Claim Your Desire.
Awaken Your Feminine.
Trust the Erotic.
Open to Love.
Begins February 18, 2021
Are you ready to magnetize love into your life through the power of your pleasure?
Are you ready to drop power dynamics and discover pleasure dynamics instead?
Are you ready to feel sexy, confident, and so damn loved by life that you’re overflowing?
Celebrate Being a WOMAN
How damn good can you let life get? How deeply can you trust yourself and your desires? How much pleasure can you allow? How fully can you receive love?
Eros is a 7-week group coaching program to reclaim your desire, awaken your feminine, and trust the erotic. All of this prepares you for deep, lasting, epic love.
Begins February 18th.
What is Eros? It’s coming home to yourself - to your body, your desires, your feminine nature.
Once home inside yourself, you become a magnet for deep love.
This is for you if…
You want to be cherished for every ounce of who you are, lovingly ravished in bed, and f*cked open by life… is that too much to ask? No, it’s actually not.
You’re done playing “the field”, waiting for his texts, and trying to act “chill” - you want to effortlessly attract your life partner, just by feeling damn good inside of yourself.
You want to feel sexy, radiant, and alive in your body… approaching dates (even Zoom dates!) with a mischievous flirtatiousness that is utterly irresistible. No more dry, dull “check the boxes” dates.
You’re brave enough to open your heart all the way. Even if you’ve been hurt before, you’re ready to recommit to passionate, life-long love.
You’ve invested in personal growth work before and you’re willing to “do the work” to show up fully for this community and for yourself.
You’re done with overanalyzing every dating decision… you’re ready to make easy, intuitive, no-looking-back dating decisions that lead to epic love
You can have it.
You want a loving, lasting relationship - with the
I-want-you-now, butterflies-in-the-belly feeling on demand.
To do that, we cultivate EROS - the deep, fiery spark of magnetism that is the fuel for all great, long-lasting love affairs.
The session topics…
Open Ritual & Releasing the Past
P*ssy Wisdom
Trusting Your Desire & Turn On
Pleasurable Masculine/Feminine Dynamics
Receiving Love Like a Queen
Closing Ritual & Claiming Your New Reality
*One integration week included
Note: We’re not “adding” to who you are or teaching you superficial tips & tricks. We’re stripping back layers of “not-you” to reveal your naturally sexy, feminine essence. We’re inviting back the wildly magnetic part of you that has ALWAYS been there, just waiting to be seen and loved.
Once you apply, you’ll find out within 48 hours if your application has been accepted.
When you join, you get….
1 live masterclass a week (recorded if you can’t make it live)
Weekly meditations, exercises, and journaling prompts
Daily embodiment practices to feel more pleasure
A bad-ass sister community for magic & turn on
Masterclasses are held on Thursdays from 6pm - 7:30pm PST.
Don’t worry, love - you’ll get calendar invites & all details once you enroll.
“Just finished the last call from Eros. I still have tears in my eyes. Such a powerful, incredible group of women, led by Megan who knows how to hold space for a whole group of women in such different stages of their life. Everyone gets met and seen, and everyone takes away something powerful. It is a constant 8 weeks of learning, discovery, awareness, and acceptance of yourself as a woman. “
“I am so grateful for the transformation from Eros. I learned how to live from desire rather than fear, how to listen to my body. I’ve felt uplifted and supported from the amazing sisterhood. Megan delivers what other coaches promise - a safe space for growth, intimacy, sisterhood, and a new way of looking at women as multi-dimensional people. If you ever have the chance to work with Megan, do it! You will leave transformed. “
“Eros has been such an empowering, integrating, and softening process for me. It is one of the most exceptional communities that I have had the privilege of being in. The immense fearlessness and courage of all of us claiming our desires and stepping into a leadership that is profoundly feminine.”
“I learned how to get back to my feminine power. Megan created such a safe place for us to open up, share, and support each other. Eros was a life-changing experience for me. “
Your Dating Life
You go on a stupid Zoom date or a walk in the park (because hello, social distancing) and you feel… nothing. No sparks, no electricity. Maybe you somewhat liked him, and so you wait around for him to text you. He ghosts. What the heck?! You feel frustrated and annoyed. You complain to some girlfriends who encourage you to stay optimistic. You try, but you can feel your cynicism growing. Shouldn’t dating be fun? Why does it feel so painful, dry, and boring?
New Reality
You get ready for the date, cheered on by your Eros community. You feel loved up and accepted already, so whatever happens here is the cherry-on-top. You greet him, feeling sexy, flirty, and confident. You had a blast getting ready in mind, body, and soul for this moment… and your date can’t take his eyes off you. You laugh and play throughout the date, trusting that if this man isn’t your soulmate, someone even better is coming. Faith, fun, and pleasure have rewired you so now dating feels effortless.
Are you ready to be so loved up by this sisterhood that you effortlessly attract more love into your life?
It is time to stop putting your intimate life on the back burner.
You can have passionate love, fairytale romance, and epic sex.
Don’t settle for less.
Warning #1:
When you decide to invest in your sexiness and love like this, people will notice. Don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly stopped on the street or that long-lost love randomly texts you.
Warning #2:
Receiving this much love and sisterhood may cause rapid expansion in all areas of your life, in addition to your love life.
A little Q&A
“I’m in lockdown/quarantine… will this still help me?”
Yes! Eros is the inner work to celebrate being a woman, reclaiming your feminine, and opening to love. External changes (like meeting a partner) only happen after your inner changes (like getting turned on, dismantling limiting beliefs, and understanding masculine/feminine dynamics). This means lockdown could be the perfect time to do this inner work.
Will you have a Masterclass for other timezones?
Maybe! When you apply, you share your timezone with me. From there, I’ll decide whether or not to add additional Masterclasses. Of course, you will always have the recordings available.
Do you offer refunds?
Nope! Unless you’ve joined every call, done every assignment, and still decided this program wasn’t helpful for you (but that’s never happened :).
Who is this program NOT a fit for?
This is not for people looking for the easy answers and quick fixes to “snag the man”. Eros is a deep, inner transformation that lasts, rather than superficial tips and tricks.
This program is not a space for victims, complainers, whiners, or overly judgmental women. I love you, but I don’t hold space for that behavior in my community.
Any other questions?
Feel free to submit an application with your questions & I’ll get back to you within 48 hours!