Struggling with Mom Guilt? Here's How to Use Masculine vs. Feminine Polarity to Navigate It.
Mom guilt the nagging, niggling feeling that there is always more you “should” be doing for your children. It’s the self-criticism you inflict because you didn’t live up to an expectation of yourself as a parent. It’s painful, prevalent and pervasive (mmm triple P’s!).
Mom guilt pops up like a weed in the gap between your idealized mama self and your real, actual mama self. It’s everywhere your ideals diverge from your reality.
Write Your Own Parenting Manifesto
Below is a template you can use to create your own manifesto, and following that, is my manifesto as an example. Know that your manifesto may look totally different than mine and that’s great!
Asking for Erotic Desires
Why is it so hard to ask for what you want sexually?
What stops most people from communicating their erotic desires?
How do you skillfully share (and receive!) erotic feedback from your partner?
When your partner can’t handle your feelings…
Often when women learn about feminine embodiment, they begin unleashing their emotions, especially with their partners.
They show their rage, their grief, their upset through their bodies. Crying, yelling, storming.
This is great!
Self-expressed and emotive is a wonderful & important thing, especially if you’ve been raised to repress your feelings.
And yet….
Reclaiming the Gifts of "PMS" Week
The week right before your period (or "moon") comes gets a bad rap.
People say you're cranky, moody, crampy, irritable.
And maybe you are!
Yet there are immense gifts in this season of your menstrual / moon cycle.
When you accidentally hurt your partner...
“I’m so frustrated that you kept interrupting me during the game last night. That was out of line.”
James told me today as we drove home.
We were playing Catan last night, and I can be fiercely competitive (anyone else?!).
I was telling people not to trade with him (a part of the game) in a way that I intended to be playful and joking, but it didn’t land that way.
How to Make Wildly Irrational Decisions
This week, I closed down my online coaching business.
My creative baby.
It’s been 4.5 years, with hundreds of clients, and multi-six-figures income.
Yet I could feel that it was time.
To many people, this would look like an irrational decision.
And it was!
But I trust our deepest intelligence - our gut, our intuition, our unconscious, our feminine.
Ever Want Your Man to be More Masculine? Read this…
When you discover the power of polarity, the results are magical. Truly.
Playing with masculine and feminine (consciously) creates powerful sexual attraction, chemistry, and devotion.
And yet, this superpower can also become weaponized.
I often hear from my women clients - “I wish my man were more in his masculine.”
Have you felt that way?
When You *Know* How to Fight Well... But Can't.
When you’re triggered and can’t fight well
Yet, we may *know* the best way to be in a fight with your partner.
And still…
You may not have capacity to be your best self in that moment.
How to Fight Well as a Couple
You find someone great, you fall in love, and then it’s happily ever right?
Um no.
Once you open your heart to someone… that is when the real work starts.
The Pressure to Commit
A HUGE difference between men & women when it comes to (heterosexual) dating
Men tend to want relationships to unfold naturally. They have plenty of time to “see where it goes”.
Women are completely different.
What to do when your relationship feels like a friendship/gets boring…
Picture this… it’s Friday night and you’re home with your partner.
Your partner asks, “Shall we go out to dinner at our usual place?”
“Sure.” You say apathetically. Yeah, the food is always good, but also, you feel soooo bored.
You get in the car to go to the restaurant. On the way, you pass a couple kissing passionately at a street corner, and wonder, “When was the last time we did that? Actually, wait, when was the last time we had sex??”
It’s not that there is a problem per se.
You love and trust your partner completely. In fact, just looking at them driving right now gives you warm fuzzies.
It’s just that… you two feel more like friends than lovers.
Somewhere around living together, maybe having kids together or working together, things started to feel a little….
Can you relate?
How to Become More Feminine
“How do I become more feminine?”
I hear this question a lot when I am working with clients.
We live in a masculine-dominated world, and many women feel stuck in their masculine energy.
Let’s start with what being more feminine is NOT about: