Ep. 28 - The Truth About “Low Libido” with Camille Bataillon

Have you ever struggled with a “low libido”? It can feel so isolating, especially in a relationship, where your partner may be looking to you for their erotic satisfaction.

In this episode, with renowned French sexologist Camille Bataillon, we unravel what “low libido” really means - and what to do about it.

We often talk about “low libido” as if it is an individual problem - but the truth is, when you’re in a partnership, “low libido” is a relational challenge of mismatched desire.

So how do you address conflicting desires and needs, sexually?

How do you uncover what you really want and nourish your erotic self?

How do you take responsibility for your own erotic satisfaction and then share it with a partner?

We cover all of these juicy topics in this episode. We hope it serves you in your journey towards more fulfilling sex, juicy desires, and closer partnership!

Key Topics:

Taking the shame out of libido mismatches [1:15]

Finding a balance and setting expectations without judgment [6:08]

Communication comes first [11:25]

How to avoid therapy as a last-resort relationship saver [12:32]

Your libido isn’t broken — Spontaneous vs. Responsive Desire [14:23]

Nourishing your erotic self through learning about your libido [17:48]

How parenthood shifts libido, desires, and the way we communicate about them [27:39]

Making love makes love — 240 different reasons to have sex [33:22]


Learn more about Camille at https://www.camillebataillon.com/ or connect with her on Instagram @camilleparlesexe.

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Ep. 29 - Big News… Baby #2!


Ep. 27 - 3 Games for Couples to Reignite Intimacy