Ep 11: Live Coaching on Marriage and Affairs

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"If I no longer feel special, my own hands and mind tingle with curiosity. The disillusioned are prone to roam. Might someone else restore my significance?” - Esther Perel 

In this raw, controversial episode, Megan coaches Shanen, a woman who has been married for 25 years. She is struggling to admit to her husband that she has had two affairs recently. She's kept quiet on the affairs to protect his feelings, but she realizes she is putting up a wall between them that is destroying their marriage. In this episode we explore why couples cheat, the damage of telling lies, and the first steps to repairing the relationship. 


In this raw, controversial episode, Megan coaches Shanen, a woman who has been married for 25 years. She is struggling to admit to her husband that she has had two affairs recently. She's kept quiet on the affairs to protect his feelings, but she realizes she is putting up a wall between them that is destroying their marriage.

Looking for support in your marriage or relationship?


Ep 12: Failure Is Not Final


Ep 10: Is It Time For You To Die (Energetically)?