Ep. 19 - “Rewilding” Your Relationship with Food and Your Body

What were you taught about food and your appetite? How is your relationship with your hunger? How do you feel about your body right now?

This is such a hot topic for my female clients right now, so I wanted to dive into it here with you.

In this intimate solo episode, I share with you my personal journey around food, body image, and feminine hunger. I touch on the healthiest aspects of my journey - as well as my dysfunctional habits - and the specific tools I’ve used to “rewild” my relationship with food and my body.

When I watch my 16 month old baby naturally eat what she wants, when she wants, and intuitively follow her own hunger cues… I know that this is our natural state.

Yet so many of us have a far-from-natural relationship with food and our bodies. We may diet, overexercise, binge & purge, obsessively count calories, or restrict ourselves. All of this comes from a “top-down” control of our bodies, rather than a deep trust of our body’s wisdom.

This episode is an invitation back to your natural state, a chance to “rewild” your body, and rediscover what you intuitively know about eating and feminine hunger.

Key Topics:

The injury that led to my complicated relationship with food [01:56]

Not an eating disorder, but disordered eating [5:09]

Realigning with my body’s sensations through Orgasmic Meditation  [6:38]

Giving yourself permission to connect with your emotions through food  - what are you truly hungry for? [8:40]

Rewilding yourself by unleashing your desires [10:08]  Don’t underestimate the impact of cultural conditioning [12:31]


If you’re curious about my offerings, visit me at www.megandlambert.com. If this episode moves you, please let me know by reaching out by email, Instagram DM (@megandlambert), or leaving a review!


Ep. 20 - Reigniting Polarity Through Surrender with Londin Winters


Ep. 18 - The True Power of Feminine Magnetism