The Myth of "Reasonable"


Have you ever had a desire pop up but convinced yourself out of it by saying “That’s unreasonable.” ? 

Yeah. Me too. 

But you know what?

Nothing I have done that was life-changing, exciting, or truly profound was “reasonable”.

💫Uprooting my life to move to Bali? Crazy unreasonable.

💫Spending a third of my income on personal development? Totally unreasonable.

💫Telling my man I loved him on our second date? Insanely unreasonable.

💫Quitting my high-paying consulting job with no back up plan? Nutty unreasonable.

And yet…

All of these leaps of faith in the direction of my “unreasonable” desires totally worked out.

🔥I love my life in Bali.

🔥I am a stronger, softer woman with more to offer the world because of the work I’ve done.

🔥I have a passionate love affair with James.

🔥I created my own business from the ground up. Point is - most massive desires at first feel “unreasonable”. 

That’s our fear-based brain, locked in survival mode, trying to keep us safe.

That voice is insidious because it doesn’t even sound fearful - it just sounds rational and logical.

But it is a lie. As my friend Rev Jo says, “The safest place I know is the unknown.”

Our desires are our pathway into the unknown, into the great mystery of life.

By listening and following desire, our life becomes profound, unpredictable, dynamic, and transformative. 

Your turn! When was the last time you heard the “unreasonable” voice around a desire? What did you decide to do?


Your Libido Isn't Dead


FemRising: Gratitudes