Your Libido Isn't Dead


“I don’t really like sex.” She tells me, looking down and twisting her skirt in knots.

“Hmm… do you not like sex, or do you not like the sex you’re having?” I ask.

“I don’t like the sex I am having. It feels rushed, abrasive, and honestly, I don’t feel much pleasure.” She responds.

I nod.

I know this spot intimately.

I hear this time after time from women.

I ask, “Well, what *does* turn you on?”

“I guess I don’t know.” She replies.

And that is where our coaching together begins.

See a lot of us were sold a type of sex that is fast, direct, genital-to-genital, straight-to-it.

That’s what porn shows (which is most people’s default sex education).

Unfortunately, that is not really the kind of sex a lot of women enjoy.

Or as my former teacher, Nicole Daedone said - “Women love sex. Just not what is on the menu.”

Often in the absence of other options, a woman will decide SHE is the problem in her sex life.

“I must not like sex enough.”

“I guess I am not a turned on woman.”

“I don’t orgasm so sometimes I fake it.”

“Maybe I should see a doctor about my low libido….”

Here is what I think -

There is nothing wrong with you.

Your sex and your desire is perfect, just waiting for the right invitation to emerge - YOUR invitation.

Your sex is waiting for you to take the reigns and learn what you like.

It’s not your partners’ job.

You don’t have to settle for mediocre sex.

You don’t have to resign to “doing it for him”.

You can learn what genuinely lights your body up.

You can discover what your p*ssy craves.

You can explore your unique “erotic language” and show him.

You’re not broken - you’re a woman awakening to her inherent eroticism.


Miscommunication in Relationships: Part 1


The Myth of "Reasonable"