When your partner can’t handle your feelings…

Often when women learn about feminine embodiment, they begin unleashing their emotions, especially with their partners.

They show their rage, their grief, their upset through their bodies. Crying, yelling, storming.

This is great!

Self-expressed and emotive is a wonderful & important thing, especially if you’ve been raised to repress your feelings.

And yet….

Your partner may shut down.

Be unable to handle this.

Take your comments personally.

Get defensive.

Walk away.

You sigh in frustration - “See, another man who can’t handle me!”

While secretly yearning for the kind of mythically masculine man who can weather any feminine storm, while staying deep and centered.

Can you relate to this spot?

If so, I have two big questions for you:

1. Can YOU handle your emotional intensity?

By this, I mean: Can you sit with your own rage and grief, allow it fully, without shame or judgment?

Your partner is a reflection of you - so if he consistently can’t handle your emotions… it may be that you’re playing “hot potato” with your feelings.

AKA tossing the emotions over to him because they’re too hot for you to handle.

If you have a sneaky suspicion this might be you… your practice would be a solo one, where you feel your own emotions fully, and let your “inner man” witness you. More on this in another post.

2. Are you sharing with an open-heart… or are you attacking with a closed hearted righteousness?

Anything said with a soft body and a wide open heart… is utterly magnetic.

It’s captivating. Even if it’s tears, anger, or pain.

So if your partner is shutting down when you share… I’d ask yourself, are you shut down when you’re sharing?

In other words, is your chest tight and tense, your breath shallow, your jaw clenched?

Do you feel armored and righteous? Or achingly vulnerable?

The difference will be acutely felt by your partner - and will either invite him towards you & your emotions, or repel him.


So, this may not be the answer you were looking for.

It’s much easier to get lost in a daydream of a fantasy man who can stay centered with all your storms… than to look inward to understand what YOU might be doing.

(Of course, your partner also has their work to do on being stable with intensity, but that’s for another blog).

But it’s also really empowering.

Because now you have a next step, a direction, if you’re craving to be met more fully in your emotional intensity.

Let me know below what you got from this!



P.S. Want to feel more fully *met* in your relationship?

Emotionally, sexually, spiritually?

That’s what we’re up to in our couples retreat, Devoted.

December 1-4th, 2023 in Bali.

It’s a 4 day deep dive into advanced polarity, and masculine / feminine dynamics.

If you’re intrigued, learn more by clicking here.


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