Ep 2: Shadow Desires of Relationships

An Interview with Carolyn Elliott and Taia Kephler

by Megan D Lambert


“Having is evidence of wanting”…. 

Carolyn Elliott and her husband Taia Kephler join Megan for an edgy conversation on how we can discover our shadow desires by looking at what we're currently experiencing in our love lives. Through an insider look at their marriage, Carolyn & Taia show us they apply “Existential Kink”, a concept that can unmask our shadow and unlock our hidden power in partnership and beyond. 


"Having is evidence of wanting".... Carolyn Elliott and her husband Taia Kephler join Megan for an edgy conversation on how we can discover our shadow desires by looking at what we're currently experiencing in our love lives.


Want to know more about Carolyn’s work?

  1. Check out her Book: Existential Kink Get it on Amazon or at Barnes and Nobel.

  2. Join her mailing list

  3. Check out her online magazine Bad Witch


Ep 3: Behind-the-Scenes In Our Relationship


Ep 1: What is Love?