Ep 16: Civil Rights Movement 2.0 with Reverend Joanne Coleman
In this powerfully moving episode, Reverend Dr. Joanne Coleman, shares about her experience growing up with racism in America. She reflects on what has changed since then, and what still needs to be done collectively.
Ep 14: Modern Men & Evolving Relationships
What does the “rise of women” over the last 100 years mean for men and intimate relationships? What are both sexes doing that perpetuates patriarchy? How can we create relationships where both people are free to continue evolving?
Ep 13: Getting What You Want From Men
How do you get the best from your man? How do you communicate your desires in a way that inspires him to respond? In this solo episode, Megan explores these nuanced and complex questions coming up with her clients around man-woman dynamics.
Ep 9: Live Coaching Session on Craving Deeper Commitment with Sara
In this unfiltered & unedited episode, Megan coaches Sara, a woman who has been seeing a man for a few months and craves deeper commitment from him.
Ep 3: Behind-the-Scenes In Our Relationship
For the past year or so, James Mattingley and I have been researching partnership, sex, and love together. Here we share with you behind-the-scene stories from our relationship.
Ep 2: Shadow Desires of Relationships
Carolyn Elliott and her husband Taia Kephler join Megan for an edgy conversation on how we can discover our shadow desires by looking at what we're currently experiencing in our love lives.