Ep 29: Ancient Balinese Wisdom for Modern Times with Sari Pollen

Sari Pollen

Ibu Sari Pollen, founder of PKP Community Centre, transformed her painful life situations into a profound offering. 15 years ago, she was suicidal, a newly divorced mother, unable to see her daughter due to traditional customs. After a wake-up conversation with her mother, she became a teacher and noticed how many women had similarly painful stories and needed a space to share. From there, she created what is now PKP Community Centre - a hub for learning, opportunities, and well-being for an entire community in Bali. In this episode, she shares core principles of the centre, borrowed from Bali culture, that are powerful lessons for all of us. An awe-inspiring story of transformation.
To support PKP Community Centre, visit: https://pkpcommunitycentre.org/

Ibu Sari Pollen, founder of PKP Community Centre, transformed her painful life situations into a profound offering. 15 years ago, she was suicidal, a newly divorced mother, unable to see her daughter due to traditional customs. After a wake-up conversation with her mother, she created what is now PKP Community Centre - a hub for learning, opportunities, and well-being for an entire community in Bali.

Megan Lambert