Love Letter to Shame


My favorite part of a person is where their shame lives.....

The little soft spot on your belly you hate being touched. 
The insecure, needy side that wants reassurance that he loves you. 
The fierce, powerful anger that makes your whole body hot. 
The awkward, shy one that doesn’t know what to say. 
The heartbroken grief you hide from because it feels like an endless well. 
The deep, primal hunger for MORE (and not even knowing what “more” is).

May it all be welcome, wanted, embraced. 
It’s so breathtakingly beautiful.

I love the secret corners of people’s souls, 
the quiet hidden things people never want to tell others, 
the secrets they keep, 
the fears they harbor.

I want to know those parts and love them.

Because as we claim and integrate these hidden parts of us, we turn our shame into power. 
We stop being afraid of ourselves, of each other, and of life.

Where there’s shame, there’s latent power. 
Let’s unlock it with love.



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