Miscommunication in Relationships: Part 3

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Mistake #3 - Couples initiate sex at the wrong times

Ah this one is so painful!

One person will initiate sex - say with putting on sexy lingerie or inviting her into bed - when the other person isn’t ready or available for sex.

The other person says no, and the person initiating gets their feelings hurt or feels dismissed.

Then over time, they stop initiating

The problem?
We expect sex to be something that “just happens”.
We hope our partners are always willing and ready.
The truth is - rarely are both people simultaneously well-rested, showered (if that matters to you), turned on, and have tons of free time.
Without planning, sex often just doesn’t happen.

The antidote?
Sex dates! I’m a big, big fan of scheduling intimacy into the calendar.
While at first this can feel “unsexy” if you’re conditioned to believe sex should be spontaneous, I have found it’s incredibly helpful, especially for busy couples.

Having time on the calendar specifically dedicated to intimacy helps both people prepare for it. They can get in the mood, get dressed up, turn themselves on, and set aside distractions.

Then when they come together, the sparks can fly.
Try it!
It’s a powerful experience.




Under This Irritation and Criticism, is There a Desire?


Miscommunication in Relationships: Part 2