Our Periods, Our Seasons


I want to talk about one of the more repressed & shamed parts of being a woman - our periods. 

Our menstrual cycle is freaking incredible. It corresponds with the moons waxing & waning, with the seasons of the year, with death-rebirth. As I learn more about it, I become more amazed by the magical creatures we are and how living in alignment with our natural cycles is so powerful & freeing. 

This is my limited understanding of how to live in alignment with our cycles.

Week 1 - (start of period to Day 7) = Winter > Spring Season

The first 3 days are like our own mini-vision quest. We are extra intuitive and insightful at the start of our periods. 

We have more vivid dreams and can see what is needed for our lives and for our communities. 

It’s a time of inward journey, reflection, and rest. Baths, hot tea, roses, meditation. 

When we finish bleeding, it’s time to plant new seeds of intention (like spring) - what do we want to create next? 

Week 2 - Summer 

We feel outgoing, powerful, revved up this week. 

Desire to dress up, connect, speak, be seen, be sexy, go out. 

Peaks at ovulation when we have the most intense energy (this time can make some women anxious or angry if they don’t know how/where to channel this much passion). 

We tend to be very talkative, fast-moving, and persuasive this week. 

Week 3 - Fall

We begin to slow down and reflect. 

We see things that aren’t working in our lives anymore and we may feel extra frustrated by them. 

May want to prune away old friendships, get rid of worn out clothes, or eliminate distractions, just like leaves falling off a tree in autumn. 

Week 4 - Winter 

We may feel a calling to go more inward, to hunker down and stay home more.

There’s a desire for “nesting” - making a beautiful home, cooking yummy soup, cuddling with pets or loved ones. 

We likely feel quieter than normal. 

If we can’t slow down and respect this part of our cycle for whatever reason (work or family demands, etc.), we may feel the symptoms of PMS - irritability and moodiness. 

Pretty cool huh? 

I just started Week 4 today and noticed my biggest desires this afternoon were to buy a blanket for my home and take a nap. Fitting! And I’ll make hot tea and wear comfy sweats for my coaching calls tonight.

I’ve started calendaring my business to align with my cycle - like arranging speaking events and workshops during “summer” weeks and doing more business strategy/reflection during “winter”  weeks .

Have you noticed your energy shift over the month? 

How do you try to live in alignment with your body? 




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